
About Chairman

In this fast changing world, we are experiencing a rapid escalation in the field of Education. We at Vinyaas wish to develop the personality of the children, they are like a tiny seed and sign of life for them is struggle for growth.

A tiny seed breaks open the earth to grow into a plant, but growth alone does not add the beauty to life, rather wild and abnormal growth some times leads to stagnation. Shaping the growth through proper training and systematic discipline is the only way to make life beautiful, which ultimately leads to fully-fledged personality. Vinyaas, Kanpur is an outcome of my deep concern to provide educational facility to the future.

I wish to lay the strong foundation of the educational edifice which has for its pinnacle the multi-faceted development of the students who are the torch-bearers of knowledge. To enhance our objective we heartily welcome your precious suggestions to strive the area of Education.